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Frequently Asked Questions

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Q. What is molestation?

A. Molestation occurs when an adult or person significantly older than a child engages in sexual activity with a minor below the age of legal consent. The abuse can be over an extended period of time or a one-time incident that includes touching, fondling, kissing in a sexual manner, oral sex, masturbation, dry intercourse, digital penetration, object or penile penetration of rectum or vagina.

Q. Who are child molesters?

A. It is not enough to warn a child to stay away from strangers. The majority of children are molested by those they know and trust. It may be the stranger, parent, older sibling, teacher or person having control over the child.

Q. What are the characteristics of a molester?

A. Child molesters:

  • Can have adult sex partners, but children are primary objects
  • Have lifestyles that give them easy access to children.
  • May target specific gender, age, hair and eye color.
  • Use threats to manipulate and control victims or bribe them with gifts, love, or promises to lure victims into their confidence before victimization takes place.
  • Often commit first offense when in teens
  • Continue behavior even after conviction and treatment.
  • May photograph or videotape sexual activity with children to exchange with other molesters and/or to shame a child into not telling anyone of the abuse.

Q. What are some indicators of sexual abuse?

A. Characteristics may include:

  • Displaying inappropriate sexual activity or showing an unusual interest in sexual matters.
  • Mood swings, withdrawal, and depression
  • Pain, itching, bleeding, discharge or rawness in private areas
  • Regressive behavior: baby talk, sudden clinging behavior
  • Sudden unexplained aggressiveness or rebellion
  • Sudden fear of specific things, people, places, etc.

Q. Why didn't my child tell me? He/she never told me anything.

A. Many children feel guilty, ashamed and that it was their fault. Children as a rule look at their parents as the ones who deal out punishment when they do something wrong. Many parents panic and overreact. Emphasize that the child is not to blame. It was an adult who was at fault and should have known better.

Q. What should I do if I know or suspect abuse?

A. Call the Sheriff's Office or Social Services department.

Q. How can I tell if my child is using drugs? What are the signs?

A. Generally there are four progressive stages of drug use. They include:

  • Experimentation
  • Occasional Use
  • Regular Use
  • Dependency

Not everyone who tries drugs passes through every stage. A young person may try drugs or alcohol and decide not to continue use. According to experts, however, those who experiment during early teen years are more likely to continue use in later years than those experiment after they become adults. A person who experiments with the more addictive drugs such as cocaine can move directly to regular use and dependency.

The most important transition occurs between Occasional Use and Regular Use. This is when the occasional social user moves to regular weekly or daily use. At this point, drug and/or alcohol use becomes an important part of life.

Changes in behavior may be observed:

  • Change of friends
  • Loss of interest in school or hobbies
  • Drop in school grade
  • Loss of interest in family activities
  • Change in sleeping habits
  • Noticeable increase or decrease in appetite
  • May need to have more money than normal
  • Interest in music that contains drug themes
  • Interest in the drug culture (e.g. drug related t-shirts, posters, vocabulary)

The final stage is total dependency on one or more drugs. The dependent user must maintain a certain level of the drug(s) in his/her body to feel "normal" or to get the desired "high." The move from regular use to dependency may be subtle. Or, it might occur rapidly with dramatic effects.

Along with the previously mentioned behavior changes, other signs of dependency may include:

  • Change in attitude (e.g. frequent fighting with family and friends, rebellious toward authority
  • Separation from family
  • Sudden mood changes
  • Lack of interest in personal appearance
  • Changes in eating and/or sleeping habits
  • Loss of body weight
  • Poor physical condition
  • Frequent illness

Q. Is there a home test I can use on my child to see if narcotics are in his/her system?

A. Yes. Several companies produce home test kits that allow you to test for several types of narcotics. Check with your local pharmacy.

Q. Does marijuana lead to more serious drugs?

A. Yes. Marijuana has been shown, by means of statistics, to lead to more serious drugs. Some studies have shown that 43 percent of kids that use marijuana go on to other drugs. Other studies have put the number in the mid- to high 80s.

Q. What can I do to help my child if he/she is using drugs?

A. Determine the level of use and select the appropriate treatment. Your child should be evaluated by a professional to determine the level of involvement and subsequent treatment. In many cases, family counseling with a chemical dependency specialist is all that is required.

Often, however, particularly when cocaine is involved, medical treatment may be necessary. Selection of the proper therapist and/or treatment program is crucial. Your family physician or other trusted health care professional can refer you to a specific person or program.

Recognize that substance abuse is a family problem. Substance abuse is a family problem. Avoidance of drugs by your child depends, to a great extent, upon your parenting skills.

Parenting, however, is not a natural or inherited skill. It must be learned, constantly and consistently applied, encouraging growth and success. Your child's development of positive values, self-esteem, and conformity to community standards and the law depends on you. You cannot simply depend upon chance or faith. Your knowledge, skill, involvement, authority, control and care are the most important influences in preventing your child from abusing drugs. Parenting is an awesome, challenging responsibility, but it is not impossible.

Parenting education is available through many public and private agencies, including adult schools and colleges.

Recognize that your own substance use influences your child. YOU are the most important influence in your child's life, even when compared to his/her friends. Your attitude and use of substances, including alcohol, influence your child's use of drugs. If you involve your child in your use, for example, asking your child to get you a beer or to light your cigarette, he/she is more likely to use drugs. If you approve your child's use of alcohol under supervision, even moderately, he/she is more likely to abuse other drugs as well. Remember, YOU are your child's role model!

How can I report a hate crime?

Hate crimes are very serious and traumatic incidents. It is important for citizens to remember that when these crimes are occurring, they should be reported to law enforcement immediately by telephoning 911. When a citizen finds that he or she has been a victim of a hate crime, and it is not an immediate life-threatening emergency, he or she should phone their local community law enforcement and report the crime. Once the hate crime is reported, a Sheriff's Deputy will be able to provide information on private or governmental agencies that can provide support for victims.

How can I obtain a restraining / protective order?

  Please contact the Clerk of Courts Office in Oberlin at (337)639-4351. There is no fee to file the restraining order; however, costs may be involved if the case continues through the court process.

The following persons are covered by the domestic abuse statutes:

  • Spouses,
  • Former spouses,
  • Parents and children,
  • Stepparents and stepchildren,
  • Grandparents and grandchildren
  • Foster parents and foster children
  • And, "Household members" which means any person of the opposite sex presently or formerly living in the same residence with the defendant as a spouse, whether married or not, who are seeking protection.

What can I do about annoying or threatening phone calls?

If you become a victim of annoying phone calls, you should report them to the Sheriff's Office. Your phone company may be able to assist in tracking the origin of the calls if they have a police report number.

If you become a victim of threatening phone calls, report them to the Sheriff's Office immediately. Law enforcement takes threatening calls seriously, and so should you, especially if you are in a violent relationship or have been the victim of domestic violence.

How can I report child abuse?

Call the Sheriff's Office at (337) 639-4353 or the Office of Children's Services (318)335-1942.

How can I report elder abuse?

Call the Sheriff's Office at (337)639-4353 or the Office Of Elderly Protective Services in Lake Charles, La.(888) 491-2619.

How can the Allen Parish Sheriff's Office help me locate a missing person?

What is a missing person? A missing person includes, but is not limited to any of the following:

  • A minor (person less than 18 years of age) who is missing voluntarily or involuntarily;
  • An adult who:
    • May be in need of assistance;
    • May be the victim of a crime or foul play;
    • May be in need of medical attention;
    • Has no pattern of running away or disappearing;
    • May be the victim of parental abduction;
    • Is mentally or physically impaired.

How do I report a missing person?

You may initiate a Missing Persons Report by contacting your local law enforcement agency. If available, a photograph of the missing person should accompany the report.

Missing Juveniles

Cases involving minors, age 16 and below, are investigated by the Allen Parish Criminal Investigations Division.

Missing Adults

The Criminal Investigations Division is assigned all investigations involving missing adults. If the person is missing due to suspicious circumstances, do not wait, call 911 immediately.

If you are concerned about an overdue fisherman, or hunter, call the Sheriff's Office immediately, so that Search & Rescue Operations can be organized.

When should I use 911 versus 7-digit telephone lines?

Call 911 when there is a life or death emergency that requires the immediate response of emergency service such as police, fire or paramedic. Always call 911 when there is a medical problem or something that requires the fire department to respond.

When there is a situation that requires law enforcement response but is not an emergency, use a non-emergency 7-digit telephone number.

How to call 911

All 911 calls are received by operators who are trained to screen calls quickly and efficiently. When calling to report a non-emergency incident, dial the non-emergency sheriff's department line. This does not require money when calling from a pay phone.

  • Dial 911 (on a pay phone it is not necessary to deposit money).
  • Tell the 911 operator what you need; ambulance, fire truck, or a sheriff's deputy.
  • Be calm. When a caller is upset, it is hard to understand what he or she is saying or to get vital information quickly.
  • Stay on the phone. Do not hang up!
  • Give your name and address. If your address is different from the location of the crime, be sure to let the operator know.
  • If possible, give the operator suspect description, weapons, if any, and vehicle description and license.

Emergency operators will verify your address and telephone to ensure that the telephone company address that is sent with the call is current and accurate. People living in mobile home parks, condominiums or on private roads often have addresses that differ from the telephone company street address. If you fall in one of these categories, contact the Parish 911 Office at (337)639-4353, to find out what your legal street address is.

Remember, the 911 emergency system is your lifeline to help in an emergency. Persons who willfully misuse or abuse the 911 system for any purpose other than reporting an emergency may face criminal charges.

What do I need to do if I discover a forged check in my monthly statement?

  1. First step is to advise the financial institution of the forgery. (An affidavit of forgery will be prepared by the financial institute.)
  2. File a report with the local law enforcement agency.
  3. Keep written documentation of all contacts made with your financial institution and the Law Enforcement agency investigating the incident.

Who investigates non-sufficient-fund checks (NSF) account-closed checks?

Non-sufficient-fund checks (NSF) are handled by the District Attorneys Office.

Account closed checks are handled by the local law enforcement agency.

What can I do about "identity theft?"

If you become the victim of identity theft, it is important to act immediately to stop the thief's further use of your identity.

  1. Have a written report filed with your local law enforcement agency.
  2. Notify the three major credit bureaus to place a "fraud Alert' on your account. (This will stop any further problems from occurring.)
  3. Contact the Federal Trade Commission and file a report.
  4. Keep written documentation of all contacts made.
  5. Immediately contact all your credit card users. Get replacement cards with new account numbers. Ask that the old accounts be processed as "account closed at consumer's request." (This is better than "card lost or stolen," because when this statement is reported to credit bureaus, it can be interpreted as blaming you for the loss.)

Call the fraud units of the three credit reporting companies: TRW, Equifax, and Trans Union. Report the theft of your credit cards and/or numbers. Ask that you're accounts be flagged. Also, add a victim's statement to your report such as, "My ID has been used to apply for credit fraudulently. Contact me at XXX-XXX-XXXX (your phone number) to verify all applications."

Notify your bank(s) of the theft. Cancel your checking and savings accounts and obtain new account numbers. Ask the bank to issue you a secret password that must be used in every transaction. Put stop payments on any outstanding checks that you are unsure of.

If you use the ATM card for banking services, get a new card, account number, and password. Do not use your old password. When creating a password, avoid such commonly used numbers as the last four digits of your Social Security number and your birth date.

If you have had checks stolen or bank accounts set up fraudulently, report it to Telecheck and National Processing Company (NPC). These checks guarantee companies will flag your file so that bogus checks will be turned down. Call Telecheck at 800-366-2425. Call NPC at 800-526-5380.

The Secret Service has jurisdiction over financial fraud cases. This federal government agency usually does not investigate individual cases unless the dollar amount is very high. To interest the Secret Service in your case, ask someone in the fraud department of your credit card companies and/or banks to notify the particular SS agent they work with.

Notify the Social Security Administration's Office of the Inspector General if your SSN has been used fraudulently. You may want to have your SSN changed if your number has become associated with bad checks and credit. CAUTION: This step should be reserved for only the most extreme situations. You must be sure to notify all credit grantors and credit reporting bureaus of your new SSN.

If you have a passport, notify the passport office to be on the look out for anyone ordering a new passport fraudulently.

Call your telephone, electrical, gas and water utilities. Alert them to the possibility that someone may attempt to open new service using your identification. Also contact your long distance company.

The nearest office of the Consumer Credit Counseling Service might be able to help you remove fraudulent claims from your credit report. Call 1-888-845-5669.

In dealing with the authorities and financial institutions, keep a log of all conversations, including dates and names. Send correspondence by certified mail. Keep copies of all letters and documents. Provide your police report number to expedite reporting the crime.

Use this form to record the steps you have taken to report the fraudulent use of your identity.

Keep this form in a safe place.

Credit Bureaus / Report Fraud:


Phone Number

Date Contacted

Contact Person

















Banks, Credit Card Issuers and Other Creditors: 


Address and Phone Number

Date Contacted

Contact Person


What is the procedure for posting bail?

Bail can be posted at the Allen Parish Correctional Facility  24-hours a day. Bail may be posted in:

  • Cash
  • Surety Bond
  • Property Bond
  • Through a professional bail bondsman.

What are the hours of operation for the Allen Parish Jail?

Jail Administration operates 8am to 4pm weekdays. The Jail Facility is open 24 hours a day.

Where and when will an arrestee go to court?

The court arraignment location is determined by two factors: where a person was arrested and the type of charge filed against him/her. Most arraignments are conducted in the court house on the following week if a person is arrested on the weekend.

Where will an arrestee be sent after he/she goes to court?

Arrestees who remain in custody after arraignment are remanded to the custody of the Allen Parish Jail.

Is there a telephone number I can call to find out if someone is in jail?

Allen Parish Jail (Correctional Center ), Oberlin: (337)639-4353

Information on incarcerated Juveniles is not released.

Please note, however, the correctional facility's staff will not take telephone calls or messages for inmates.

Where are juvenile prisoners held?

Juveniles are incarcerated at the Allen Parish Juvenile Detention Center 115 N. 10th Street, Oakdale, LA 70582; Phone (318)335-0290.

How can I commend or file a complaint against a Allen Parish Sheriff's Office employee?

The Allen Parish Sheriff's Office encourages individuals to relay positive feedback to our department. Commendations from the community are placed in the employee's personnel file and often serve as criteria for merit awards and rank advancements.

Likewise, complaints against our employees are taken very seriously and are investigated thoroughly. All complaints are considered confidential.


Where can I obtain information on Sheriff's Office auctions?

To obtain information on auctions relating to Civil Executory Process may be found in the local newspaper.

The Kinder Courier or Oakdale Journal publishes all Civil Auctions prior to the sale date. Also, on the day of the sale a listing is posted on the front doors of the Court House.

Questions may also be directed to the Civil Division by calling 337-639-4353.

When requesting information, please provide:

  • Defendant in the suit, or
  • Case Number, or
  • Physical address of the property .

Information on Sheriff's Office Property auctions are advertised in the Kinder Courier or Oakdale Journal newspaper a minimum of three times prior to the auction date.

The auction are handled by Bruchhaus and Bruchhaus Auctions Inc. of Elton, La. . They may be contacted at (337)584-2485 or (337)738-5146

Where can I get fingerprinted?

Allen Parish Correctional Facility on Weekdays 2:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. Please call before coming to make sure the AFIS operator (Finger print Person) is available, fingerprints are at no cost to Allen parish residents.

What can I do about my noisy neighbors?

A noisy neighbor may create a disturbance by having a loud television, stereo or radio. The Sheriff's Office best handles these types of complaints because the loud noise is intermittent, occasional, or spontaneous. A loud party is also best resolved by the deputies assigned to the area.

Deputies are responsible for investigating complaints of ongoing and aggravated noise, which require monitoring with sound level meters or which are of a habitual nature. Two common examples are a garage or residence being used as a rehearsal hall or local bars where music or amplified sound disturbs those residing or working in the area.

How can I report animals running loose in my neighborhood?

Complaints about stray, lost, or abandoned dogs, cats or any other animal should be addressed to the local law enforcement.

How can I report narcotics activity in my neighborhood?

For drug activity which is in progress or need an immediate law enforcement response, call 911.

On-going drug activity, which law enforcement needs to be aware of, but which does not require immediate response, can be reported by calling (318)335-2415 or email : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   This reaches the Narcotics Section of the AllenParish Sheriff's Office. A supervisor will take your information over the phone or you can leave a message and someone will return your call as soon as the get the message.

For more information on narcotic abuse, contact the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

How can I get a copy of a Sheriff's Report?

Criminal Records:

All criminal records are generally considered privileged and do not become public record until adjudicated. In certain instances records falling into the following categories, specified by La. R. S. 44.1 and 44.3, continue to be privileged because of the very nature of the information contained therein after adjudication and shall not be released except in response to a lawful court order:

  • Investigative reports
  • Supplemental reports (aside form property information)
  • Statements
  • Reports revealing the identity of undercover officers
  • Reports identifying juvenile status offenders
  • Reports detailing investigative techniques
  • Reports detailing security procedures
  • Reports containing training information
  • Reports detailing investigative technical equipment or instructions on the use thereof
  • Reports identifying confidential sources

Types of Documents subject to release, and exceptions :

Arrest Reports:

Booking information is public record. All requests for booking information on any arrest made in Allen Parish Sheriff's Office are available through the Sheriff's Office or the 33rd Judicial District Attorney's Office.

Requests for "Arrest Reports" are generally public record provided the specific arrest has been adjudicated (completed the court process) and the documentation supporting the adjudication is on file. Only arrest records containing the final disposition of each specific arrest can be released.

We perform background checks on individuals requested by the Armed Services, U. S. Postal Service, Housing Authorities, School Board and Employers.

Arrest reports falling into the following categories are termed as being "privileged" and therefore shall not be released whether adjudicated or not:

  • Arrests reports that identify any victim of a sexual offense.
  • Arrest reports containing the identity of any "undercover" law enforcement officer, or any arrest report that could by it's very nature identify an "undercover" officer.
  • The arrest report of any person identified as a "Status Offender" as defined in the Code of Juvenile Procedure. (Juvenile)

Incident reports (First Reports):

First reports involving criminal offenses where it is not generally considered that an arrest is not eminent may be released upon request. These types of reports usually consist of reports of property crime (thefts, burglary, etc.) requested by victims, or their representative (insurance company) for insurance purposes.

It is imperative to note that the first report is the only portion considered public record. No investigative or supplemental reports may be released except supplemental information involving a listing of property damaged, lost, stolen, or recovered.

Auto Crash Reports:

Motor Vehicle Accident Investigative Reports are to be released and considered public record. Exceptions include fatality and/or severe injury accident reports that may be pending a grand jury decision. In these cases will not be released.

Supplemental Reports:

As stated above supplemental or investigative reports are privileged and shall not be released. The only exception being supplemental reports detailing property damaged, lost, stolen, or recovered.

Reports Involving Juveniles:

Any arrest report of a juvenile or any incident report identifying a suspect who is a juvenile is considered privileged. These reports can not be released without a court order.

Incident reports containing the identity of juveniles who were victims, witnesses, reporting persons, complainants or persons interviewed are public record; however the identifiers of any juvenile shall be stricken "blacked out" (utilizing a thick black marker) from all places in which the identifiers appear on any incident report.

Criminal Records Checks:

How can I get a copy of my criminal record?

Frequently the Sheriff's Office receives requests for criminal records checks. Individuals requesting record checks upon themselves must submit a written request containing the following information:

  • Name (first middle and last)
  • Date of Birth
  • Any other identifiers (Social Security or Driver's License Number)
  • Reason for Inquiry
  • Proof of Identity (Photo Identification)

With the above information, adjudicated criminal arrest files shall be released to the requestor.

We perform background checks on individuals requested by Armed Services, U. S. Postal Services, Housing Authorities, School Board and Employers.

To make our transition to the new age of technology, The Allen Parish Sheriff's Office is now offering the public the capability to purchase a copy of an accident report on line. The site is providing accident reports to all parties involved and representatives of those parties. The price to purchase a copy of an accident report is $16 payable via credit or debit card or there is an area to create a prepaid account on-line for the purchase of accident reports. 



How can I obtain information on sex offenders in my neighborhood?

If you want to search the registry to see whether any sex offenders or child predators live in your area, you can click here and enter your zip code, city, or parish.

Megan's Law: Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When are sex offenders required to register with local authorities?

A. Pursuant to the Louisiana Penal Code, individuals convicted of committing or attempting certain sex crimes are required to register with the local police department within five working days of his or her release from prison or jail. Additionally, sex offenders must re-register every year within five working days of his or her birthday, moving, or changing his or her name. With few exceptions, the registration requirement is a lifetime mandate.

During annual registration, the registered sex offender is required to verify his or her name and address or temporary location. Failure to properly register may be a felony and may count as a Third Strike.

Q. What are the criteria to be designated as "high-risk" sex offender?

A. The Louisiana Department of Justice categorizes sex offenders as high-risk when his or her criminal history meets the statutory definition of high-risk, which includes offenders who have committed at least two violent offenses, at least one of which was a violent sex offense.

Q. Is the information on the Megan's Law site accurate?

A. Many of the sex offender registrants on the CD-ROM have failed to comply with state registration laws, and therefore the zip code listed for some offenders may not be up-to-date. Thanks to toughened Louisiana laws requiring annual registration, and making it a felony in some cases not to do so, it is estimated that the majority of Louisiana 's registered sex offenders are in compliance with the registration requirement.

Q. Why are local law enforcement agencies assigned the responsibility to determine when to notify the public about a registered sex offender?

A. The decision to disseminate information has been given to the local law enforcement agencies within the parameters of the Megan's Law statute because they are best positioned to determine what level and method of notification is appropriate for their community.

Notice of Duty to Register as a Sex Offender

IF YOU HAVE EVER BEEN CONVICTED OF A SEX OFFENSE, you may be required to register under Louisiana law as a sex offender.

The registration law may have changed since you were convicted. The sex offense for which you were convicted may have been added to the law requiring registration after the date of your conviction. If the offense was added to the registration law after your conviction date, you may not have received personal notice of your duty to register as a sex offender.

Check with your local law enforcement agency to see if the sex offense for which you were convicted requires registration today. To register, contact:

Louisiana State Police State Sex-Offender and Child-Predator Registry PO Box 66614, Box A-6 Baton Rouge, LA 70896-6614
Telephone: 225-925-6100 or 1-800-858-0551 E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


If you have a question about your sex offense conviction or need to know whether your out-of-state conviction is the equivalent of a registrable sex offense in Louisiana , write to: Louisiana Department of Justice, Sex and Arson Registration Program.

How can I contest a traffic citation?

A person who receives a traffic citation may contest it by going to the court he/she is cited to (listed on the citation) , the has an assigned court date. On the specified date, the person will be able to plead his/her case before a judge and question the officer. If the judge rules in the person's favor, the charge will be dropped and your record cleared.

How can I report an abandoned vehicle?

Call the Sheriff's Office. A Deputy will respond to the location. The responding Deputy will make an attempt to locate the owner of the vehicle and get a disposition on the vehicle. If after twenty four hours, an owner cannot be located, the deputy may have the vehicle towed at the vehicle owner's expense.

If the vehicle is abandoned on private property, the property owner can have the vehicle towed at the vehicle owner's expense without calling the Sheriff's Office.

What can be done about illegally parked vehicles, such as those blocking a driveway?

Call the Sheriff's Office and a deputy will be dispatched. The responding Deputy will make an attempt to locate the vehicle owner and get a disposition on the vehicle. If the Deputy is unable to contact the owner and finds that the vehicle is illegally parked, he may issue a citation and have it towed away at the owner's expense.

What are the reporting requirements if I've been involved in a traffic accident?

A Traffic Crash Report will be taken by the Sheriff's Office when one of the following reporting criteria is met:

  • A person involved in the traffic crash has been injured (complaining of pain is considered injury) or dies.
  • One of the drivers is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • One of the drivers has fled the location without stopping to exchange information or check on the welfare of the other parties involved.
  • Parish property is involved (parish vehicle, light post, signal light, etc.)
  • Property damages valued in excess of $500.00

How do I make a traffic accident report?

It is the policy of the Sheriff's Office to complete a traffic crash report under the following circumstances:

  • The traffic collision occurred within the boundaries of Allen Parish.
  • A person involved in the traffic collision has been injured (complaint of pain is considered an injury) or dies.
  • One of the drivers is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • One of the drivers has fled the location without stopping to exchange information or check on the welfare of the other parties involved.
  • Parish property is involved (parish vehicle, light post, signal post, etc.)
  • Property damages valued in excess of $500.00

If any of the above conditions are met at the scene of a traffic collision, the Allen Parish Sheriff's Office should be notified in one of the following manners:

  • 911 (in case of an emergency)
  • Non-emergency telephone number  (337)639-4353

How can I obtain a copy of a traffic crash report?

To obtain a copy of a Traffic Crash Report, you must submit a request in person or by mail to the Records Division. Traffic Crash Reports can be released to authorized persons such as the victim, complainant, or as provided in the Vehicle Code. If you have any questions you may contact our Office at 337-639-4353

Now for the convenience of our citizens we are now providing Accident Reports On-Line. Click on this Link ACCIDENT REPORTS ON-LINE to obtain this information via the web. Cost of the report is $16.00

When obtaining a copy of a traffic report, please provide:

  • Cash, check or money order payable to the Allen Parish Sheriff's Office. Charges are as followed: $0.00---- Complainants/victims $10.00---- Insurance Companies/Attorneys If report was not handled by our agency the funds are returned.
  • The location and the party(ies) involved in the crash, if known
  • The kind of report-traffic or other type of incident
  • The date and location of occurrence
  • A report (incident) number, if known
  • The name of the Deputy handling the report

A new feature for the public will be added to the website. Working with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, we will make it possible to access a web link for you to access a Victim Notification system through Homeland Security Investigations which will give you a form to fill out. This form will allow the HSI  to contact you a victim or witness in order to receive notification of a criminal alien's release from one of their facilities. Victims and witnesses are required to register with HSI in order to receive these notifications. 

Link: ICE Victim Notification

What programs do you offer for young people?

DARE, Drug Abuse Resistance Education, is offered through the Sheriff's Office for all fifth grade students in school in Allen Parish.

Question: Will my child be arrested for defending himself?

Answer: No, however, there is a fine line between defending yourself and getting even. All factors are taken into consideration before an arrest takes place.

Question: Who makes the determination to arrest a student?

Answer: The Allen Parish School Board has a Zero Tolerance plan in action. The school principal conducts an investigation in reference to violation of school rules and regulations. The principal contacts the Allen Parish Sheriff's Office to determine if there is probable cause for a criminal investigation to be conducted.

Kids' Questions

Q. What should I do if somebody touches me where they are not supposed to? What should I do if someone is violent and hurts me a lot?

A. You should:

  • Tell the person to stop.
  • Tell your parents, teacher or some adult you trust.
  • Don't be afraid to tell - you didn't do anything wrong.
  • If you have any questions, or you need help, call the Sheriff's Office or state Social Services department.

Q. Will I have to go to court?

A. Maybe, unless the guilty person admits what they did. But we do everything we can to make going to court easier for you.

Q. If I go to court, do I have to see the person who hurt me?

A. When you go to court, the suspect will be there with his lawyer. A special officer will be with you as well as the prosecutor who is your lawyer. You have nothing to be afraid of because we'll be there to protect you.

Q. Will my friends at school find out about it?

A. Names of abuse victims are always kept secret and there is no reason for anyone at school to be told about the abuse.

Q. Why do I have to go to the doctor?

A. The doctor can support your case by providing what is called "collaborating evidence." This is very important. Together with other trained specialists, the doctor can answer many questions about the effects of what happened to you.

Q. What happens when you get arrested for drugs?

A. If this is your first drug arrest, you may or may not have to go to court. You may or may not have to go for professional counseling. There definitely will be a permanent police record of this arrest.

If you had a previous arrest record, or have been arrested for dealing drugs, the District Attorney's Office will be asked to review the case to determine if it should be presented in court.

If the District Attorney files the case with the court, you will be notified of the appearance date by subpoena within several weeks.

If the case is presented in court, the judge will listen to the facts and will determine if you are guilty. If you are found guilty, the judge may sentence you to Juvenile Detention or place you on probation.

If you're already on probation, the case will be referred to the Probation Department. The probation officer will determine if you violated probation and should be detained in Juvenile Detention. The case will also be reviewed by the District Attorney's Office.

Q. Why is marijuana illegal?

A. Marijuana is illegal because it is harmful to you both physically and psychologically. Because there is so much misinformation out in the streets regarding marijuana, it is difficult to determine the truth. The truth is that marijuana will make it more difficult for you to realize success in life, should you start using it.

Q. How long do drugs stay in your system?

A. It depends what kind of drug it is. Marijuana, for example, is carried in the fat tissue of the body, so it could stay in the body for as long as 30 or more days.

Q. If a police officer lies about being a "cop" and I buy drugs for him/her, doesn't the case get thrown out of court?

A. No, it does not.

Curfew Information

When is curfew for young people?

Allen Parish doesn't have an ordinance for curfew restrictions on juveniles. The Louisiana Department of Motor Vehicle has restrictions for youth under the age of 17 pertaining to operating a motor vehicle. It is illegal for anyone under 17 to drive between 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. unless accompanied by a license parent, guardian or Adult at least 21 years of age.